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  • Mulli Koozie

    β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 70 Reviews

    The "Mulli - koozie" cleverly plays on the concept of a "mulligan" in golf. A mulligan is an informal allowance in a casual game of golf whereby a player gets a second chance to perform a certain move or play. This term is often used when a player hits a poor shot and wants to try again without penalty. The koozie's name, "Mulli," is a fun take on this golfing term, suggesting a relaxed, forgiving approach to the game.

    Why Our "Mulli" koozie? 🍺

    πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Second Chances: This koozie is for those who appreciate the mulligan spirit in golf – a chance to redo that shot and keep the game light and enjoyable.

    🌑️ Cool Under Pressure: Made from 3mm premium neoprene, it ensures your beverage remains cold, giving you a refreshing respite whether you're taking a mulligan or just enjoying the game.

    🎨 Vibrant and Long-Lasting: With a sublimated design (not printed), this koozie stays fresh-looking, mirroring your enduring love for golf.

    πŸ“ Perfectly Suited: Measuring 10.5 x 13 cm, it's designed for standard drink sizes, a practical addition for any golf outing.

    The "Mulli" koozie combines functionality with a playful nod to golf's more forgiving side, making it a great companion for those leisurely rounds! 🍺