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  • Average Joes Ball Marker

    In the world of golf, every player aspires to be a "Pro," but there's something undeniably endearing about the "Average Joes." If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball—and leave your mark on the course in a truly unique way.

    Why Choose Our Average Joes Ball Marker? 🌟

    🤾‍♂️ Dodgeball Legacy: Embrace the spirit of the iconic dodgeball movie with this ball marker. It's a tribute to the underdog, the unexpected hero, and the power of perseverance.

    🏌️‍♂️ Built to Last: Crafted from heavy metal and plated with iron/nickel, this ball marker is built to endure your golf rounds, no matter how many swings it takes to reach the green.

    🤣 Unforgettable Humor: With the unforgettable quote and a design that's as distinctive as the Average Joes themselves, this ball marker is a conversation starter, a source of smiles, and a must-have for any golf enthusiast.

    Don't be just any golfer; be the "Average Joe" who leaves an unforgettable mark on the course. Order your Average Joes Ball Marker now and celebrate the spirit of the underdog in style! 🪣🏌️‍♂️🌟🤾‍♂️